One topic that I found particularly interesting in the reading for this week is found under "Mood Disorders" on pages 3-7 in "Culture Jam". This is when the postmodern family decides to take a camping trip and it seems as if everyone is lost, almost to the point where they are going through the stages of grief (p. 4, paragraph 2). Why is this? Why is it when technology and electronics are removed from our everyday lives we are all of a sudden depressed and lost in the world? Do we for some reason believe that electronics are a part of us and who we are that when they are gone we have lost ourselves? When thinking about these questions it really makes me wonder how I would personally react if electronics were removed from my every day life. How would you react? I, myself, love to go camping and hunting and enjoy the outdoors for the weekend but could I honestly do this for a longer period of time?
In further discussion, it seems that boredom and sadness result in more "electronic time" such as TV time or more time listening to our i pods or texting friends. Have we truly lost a sense of our natural world? As mentioned in class, when was the last time you saw the sunset? I could not even tell you when it was for me. I feel that the pressure from the media to have new electronics because they are popular causes us to become completely obsessed with owning and operating new technology. We always want the best of everything when we can settle for what we have. This strong media influence may have something to do with why we feel so dependent on technology that we actually identify ourselves with it. I feel like it is important to spend a little more time in nature by actually paying attention to what is surrounding us.
13 years ago