One of the main themes across all of the texts seems to involve the influence of power over our society and how this affects our every day lives. In each novel we have read thus far, we have been "warned" on what can and may already be happening in our society. For example, in Fahrenheit 451 there is no free-thinking, Culture Jam touched base on our disconnection with the world through technology, Feed labeled individuals as a consumer society where technology was their life in a sense, and Clockwork Orange expressed youth violence. All of the above themes are present in today's society whether we can see it or not, but what will happen in the future? Is there a solution?
In class today we were shown a very interesting video about what the world and society could be like in the future. I believe it is very possible that our society will one day no longer consist of free thinking individuals, but instead a bunch of robots with tracking devices so those in power can know our every move and hold all of the power. In my opinion this is society's way to escape the real issues. Instead of trying to tackle crime and violence we have created a short cut to deal with the real problems in our society. When in all reality no matter what is implanted or used to identify people, there will always be crime, so why not try to figure a way to resolve this issue.
I mean, I can definitely see the benefit of having a device under our skin; to find those who are missing, determine records and health, and other things. But where is the privacy? Where is our freedom anymore? If someone knows our every thought, desire, actions then how can we be free flowing individuals in society? I believe that those who are in power or want to be in power wish us all to be robotic and not have the opportunity to stick up for ourselves. Just like in Fahrenheit 451, their soceity was "wonderful" because everyone did as they were told and did not question why things were the way they were. In my opinion it is sad because our differences is what truly builds and strengthens a society.
13 years ago