In class today we were presented a list of books that were banned in schools and their libraries. It is obvious why some of these books were banned because of their title alone, but I feel that a lot of the books should not be on that list. I feel that some of the material in the books may be viewed as offensive and conflict with some of the belief's the parents want to instill in their children. Therefore, the politics in the school system make it almost impossible to NOT have a banned list. In my opinion, this is a sad but true reality. I feel that a lot of the books on the list are really interesting and should be explored, but I can see why they may not be appropriate for the entire population of a school.
As for the quote "there is more than one way to burn a book", I feel that in this society we value what society tells us to value. Our own opinions are then swayed in order to follow the norms and beliefs that are acceptable to society and flow with the hierarchy as a whole. Because society does not think something is acceptable others conform to this belief and are afraid to express their own personal views about the important topics and issues. I truly don't think books and poetry are valued in society anymore because our values have been changed to think that technology and electronics are what is the most important because that is the norm, which when you think about it is really sad.
13 years ago
Yeah, some of those books on that list surprised me. Just because some people didn't like them they go as far as to get them banned. In my opinion some people just get offended way too easily. Then they jump to how bad the book is and that their children shouldn't be allowed to read it...but then they take that child's opportunity to read other opinions besides their own and their parents.
ReplyDeleteThe books surprised me too, the harry potter ones didnt because i knew about that but as far as the books that we grew up reading that is a bit much and way too steep to take away kids fantasy worlds and it hinders their imagination.