Sunday morning was pretty normal. We woke up, went to church and had a quick breakfast. It was gorgeous outside so it was not tempting at all to stay inside and use technology. We first washed Nick's car and then drove over to his parent's house to play outside with his brothers. We played some basketball and then I took his brother's little dog for a walk while the boys played air soft guns, or whatever they are called. Then we made some sandwiches for lunch. During lunch I got a call from the lady I babysit for so I answer the phone call (which is allowed for this challenge). She asked me if I could babysit her daughter from 5-? and I responded yes. By about this time it was pushing 3:00 so I headed back to Ship and said my last goodbye's to Nick. I babysat a 2 year old from 5:00-10:30 p.m. where we played twister, did lots of puzzles and other games, and then it was time to make dinner, get a bath, and read some stories before bed. I knew I had a busy week ahead of me so I am glad that I brought my homework so I could study until her mom got home. By 10:30 I drove home, got ready for bed, and was out. Monday morning was okay. I am getting more used to silence so it was kind of nice, but unlike last week I was a little more sluggish and in need of something to wake me up. So I got a shower and then had some hot tea and cereal before my 8:00 class. I had classes from 8:00 am- 1:00 p.m., and then grabbed some late lunch and worked from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm. I then had to meet at FSC to rehearse for the induction ceremony for our national honor society of psychology, which took place from 5:00-6:30. Then I came home, made some dinner, and then got right in to studying for the test I had today (Tuesday) at 8:00 am. Soon after studying I had the urge to call Nick to procrastinate and get my mind off of not being able to use technology, but I stayed strong until he called me and left a message. After that he called me and left another voicemail. Nick normally does not leave any voicemails so I decided to listen to one to make sure everything was okay. He told me that his best friend and one of my best friends was in a really bad ATV accident and they life lined him to the hospital. So in this case, I did call Nick back to tell him that I am sorry and let me know how things were going. I then went to bed and prepared myself for my test at 8 am.
Today, Tuesday, I woke up early and prepared myself for my test. I had class from 8 am-10:15 and decided to start looks for ads and materials for our Literature project. I wanted to get these things out of the way because I have another very important test this Friday that I am not quite prepared for yet. So as of now I am finishing up some homework, getting ready to go to the gym, and then I have work from 1-5.
Some things I have been missing are definitely my tv time. We do not have cable so I do not miss a particular show, but when I am stressed and feel overwhelmed I like to take some time just to clear my head by watching a movie, or a funny series or listening to some music for example. Now I am having trouble finding things to do that work for me, so today I am going to see how working out helps. I typically go to the gym in the evening to get ready for volleyball but I am pretty anxious right now and need something to diminish the stress I am having from the test coming up on Friday.
I also miss my cell phone. Like I mentioned in my first blog I do not have texting or anything like that, but some nights I call my dad before he leaves for work to say hello and tell him to drive safe and wish him a good night at work. I really miss not being able to say goodnight to Nick and talk to him because he is my best friend and when I am stressed etc... I confide in him and my parents so it is definitely hard not having those simple pleasures that we are all so used to now. With that said, after this challenge I know I will go back to my old ways in using my cell phone and watching movies etc... but for now, it is a good experience and it is making me realize how much I acctually use technology. I could not imagine how someone that has texting and is glued to facebook would be. They would probably not be able to do it!
13 years ago
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